Sunday 5 February 2012

The Labour in the Rye

I stumbled across this article on MaltaStar, the PL owned online news portal:
A Labour government would strengthen the stipend system

The Labour Party said today that the Prime Minister is being politically dishonest and resorting to the politics on the past when he spreads the lie that a Labour government would remove or reduce the stipends of university, MCAST, ITS and sixth form students.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat has insisted time and again the stipend system for students would not only be maintained but strengthened.
The Labour Party says that today there is no more place for this politics of the past using fear and lies. “Gonzipn is clinging on to power and is stuck in the past.” (Original Article)
 It's an interesting article for various reasons, I would say.

The first question that comes to mind when reading it is: How? How exactly would the stipends be strengthened Mr. Muscat?

This is a general feeling about the Labour Party which is unsettling. It seems that they are taking the word Opposition too literally. They seem to be obsessed with solely opposing the PN no matter what. I do agree that the stipend system needs to be revised, but if you want my vote, you have to tell me how.  It's not the first time they did this, in fact. They have rambled on and on how a Labour government would reduce the electricity bills, but stopping short of saying how. This led to this infamous Anglu Farrugia interview on Bondi+:

Now, let's face it, Anglu Farrugia isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He would be a genius if he was a plant, but he's not. In fact he's the deputy leader of a political party who's aiming at leading Malta starting from next year.

 I feel that the PL is playing the protest card. They're like a bunch of overgrown teenagers who are still attempting to rebel against their parents. Their campaign revolves solely around bashing the PN and expecting people to vote for them as a protest. I'm sorry, idiots, but a vote is the cornerstone of democracy and I'm not going to waste my democratic rights simply to spite the government. What a bunch of twats...
Anglu's real form
And, just to add a little cliche to the mix, they keep hammering in the mantra "change is good, we need change" to the mindless zombies that their followers are. I'm in no way saying that the PN government is doing a-ok, but I'm certainly not willing to overthrow it just for the hell of it.
Change is good? Really? Always? What a pre-school level of eduction you must have to say something so stupid. I'm sure the Eastern bloc said the same thing back in the 1940s when Hitler was bullying his way through Europe. "We need to get rid of the Nazis! Join Stalin and we'll eradicate Nazism". Surely, and luckily for the world, they did. And Eastern Europe certainly got the change they wanted... in the form of Communism. Wow, amazing deal boys; truly change is ALWAYS good.

And of course, the cherry on the cake is the last sentence of the article.

“Gonzipn is clinging on to power and is stuck in the past.”
Therefore give US the power ASAP... my preciousssss
Clinging on to power. Another useless mantra their brainless followers are regurgitating at given every occasion. It even spawned an utterly ridiculous billboard, which is currently dotted around Malta.

Then there is the last phrase. Stuck in the past. I must say that I actually agree with this. Part of the stupidity that this country feeds on, in a gluttonous way, is caused by the obsession with the past. Could it really be that I'm giving in to their rhetoric and I'm agreeing with the PL? Oh wait...

Yes, ladies and gentleman, that's Ex-PM Dom Mintoff's daughter. For those who do not understand Maltese, Yana Mintoff was chosen as a special delegate by the Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat. Who is stuck in the past, exactly?

To close off this post, I would like to include a disclaimer. If someone out there thinks that, since I'm bashing PL, then I must be a Nationalist supporter, you are welcome to join the skip you deserve to be in. This blog is also about you, asshole.

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